With no further need to prop up him up, the once-respected (by some) NY Times "discovers" that the First Son is a crook. Next year: Biden sold his office.

Mr. Biden's highly questionable foreign dealings have for years appeared more smoke than fire; there was previously no evidence that he illicitly lobbied any American officials. Compared to figures such as the former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort, who was caught out as an illegal foreign lobbyist (among plenty of other crimes), Mr. Biden's alleged foreign lobbying misdeeds appeared to fall short of crossing the line into criminality. They may have put a lie to President Biden's claimed concerns about foreign influence campaigns, but they were never worthy of formal charges. With the new details, though, that has changed, giving prosecutors the opening to pursue the president's son as one of the most prominent foreign lobbyists the United States has ever seen.

Here’s a sampling of articles from “Not the Bee” — sister publication to the Babylon Bee, but withe straight news stories. Every one of these reports was ignored by the MSN, or declared fales; all have been borne out as true.