Trump team scores a truly dastardly campaign triumph, convinces the Democrats to go full-Kamala

In addition to the mobile clinic, another group, Americans for Contraception, plans to erect an 18-foot-tall inflatable intrauterine device, or IUD, named “Freeda Womb,” The Times reported.

Other activists are planning a “Hotties for Harris” party, in addition to a number of other events.

Even Texas Governor Greg Abbott is helping out, chartering buses in selected blue states and offering free rides to the Windy City.

Dem lawmakers given security warning before 100,000 pro-Hamas demonstrators descend on Chicago for DNC

UPDATE: I try to come up with satirical headlines, but, like the editors of The Bee, I can’t go far enough out to keep up with the actual news: Governor Abbott is actually busing up 1,000 or so illegal aliens to join the DNC festival.