I realize that it's a big part of their election strategy to pretend that Kampallawall had nothing to do with anything that's gone on the past 3 1/2 years, but ... really?

Harris blames Trump for latest dreadful jobs report nearly a full term after he left office

It’s tough: they have to tread a fine line between portraying their puppet as the finest political mastermind since Talleyrand ate stinky cheese with Napoleon, and the sweet girl who had no idea that her boss was doing all those horrible things since he was placed atop the administration. Even so, blaming Trump for the collapse of the Miraculous Bidenomics seems a bit of a stretch.

A one-two punch delivered:

UPDATE: Have his handlers told him that, should Kampallawalla win, he’ll resign the next day? Looks like it.

August 2nd, 2024: Kampalla praises — or something — her predecessor: