One step forward, two steps back (well, four, eventually)

1 Stepping Stone Lane, $2,587,500 on $2.650 million asked. There’s a curious price history here, because the house was initially listed at $2.650 last April 1st, reported under contract three days later on the 3rd, then reappeared as active on April 17th, marked up to $2.8, with three price reductions thereafter, before this final price was agreed to.

I haven’t confirmed this with listing agent Sally Maloney, but I’d guess that what happened was that the house received multiple offers when it was first listed, the highest — probably $2.8 or $2.7ish — was accepted, and when that fell though, the perfectly logical assumption was made that the high interest justified a higher asking price. But it didn’t work out that way, which sometimes happens.

Again, Sally didn’t tell me this, and my speculations may be entirely unfounded, but I’ve seen this happen before; it’s a curious phenomenon.

In any event, it’s now sold, and at a pretty good price, just not the one hoped for.