Remind me again: how are these people the lifeblood of our nation?

is there some reason we wANT THEM?


U.S. has welcomed more than 500,000 migrants as part of historic expansion of legal immigration under Biden

By Camilo Montoya-Galvez

July 18, 2023 / 9:50 AM EDT / CBS News

The Biden administration has welcomed over half a million migrants under programs designed to reduce illegal border entries or offer a safe haven to refugees, using a 1950s law to launch the largest expansion of legal immigration in modern U.S. history, unpublished government data obtained by CBS News.

The unprecedented use of the parole authority has allowed officials to divert migration away from the southern border by offering would-be migrants a legal and safe alternative to journeying to the U.S. with the help of smugglers and entering the country unlawfully. It has also given the administration a faster way to resettle refugees as it attempts to rebuild a resettlement system gutted by drastic Trump-era cuts.

… To come live and work in the U.S. legally, immigrants generally must have a visa or approved refugee status. But a law dating back to 1952 allows officials to use the parole authority to admit those who don't have visas if doing so furthers an "urgent humanitarian" cause or "significant public benefit."


NYC migrant shelter overrun by teen ‘fight club,’ constant shrieking as residents rip disturbance: ‘Becoming unbearable’

The residents of a Queens apartment building say they’ve hardly had a moment’s peace since January when a 128-room hotel in Long Island City was transformed into a city-run migrant shelter.

Children living in the seven-story building loiter outside the front entrance in large, unsupervised groups practically every evening, claim residents next door at 911 44th Drive. From 8 p.m. until well past midnight, the kids fight and chase each other around, shouting, screaming — and disrupting neighbors’ sleep.

“Five or six teenagers between 12- and 14-years-old were beating on a small child the other night,” the resident said. “Kid couldn’t have been older than 8, and they were kicking him in the head after forcing him onto the sidewalk.”

Videos provided to The Post show the teens screaming and fighting outside the shelter’s main door, sometimes with the shelter’s security guards watching and egging them on.

Smaller children are seen in the footage being overwhelmed by a mob of other kids and pulverized. In one video, a larger boy walks up to a much smaller boy, places him in a headlock, and, after several minutes of back-and-forth struggling, drops him to the ground like a pro wrestler.

Other videos shows the kids playing on skateboards late at night, after dark. Others kids are seen playing chase, with the building’s security guards getting involved.

“It’s disturbing to have to see that kind of thing every night, and some of these kids are really just defenseless,” said Cabrera, an interior design student. “Where are the parents? Why is no one watching these kids?”

Channeling Colorado’s Polis:

…. A Department of Social Services spokesperson would not even confirm the former hotel is now a shelter, “to safeguard the privacy of vulnerable New Yorkers” and “social services beneficiaries residing at these locations.”