This should give all voters pause


Will Cats Decide The Presidential Election? “…And every time someone says ‘no, they did not eat a cat!’ not only is it likely not true, but the obvious pivot is to ‘perhaps, but they did kill my auntie in a home invasion’ or ‘OK, but they have overwhelmed schools, are beating on local kids, and have displaced low income Americans in housing because the feds are paying top dollar for landlords to kick you out and put them up.'”


Springfield Ohio is a town of 60,000; the same size as Greenwich. What would happen if Biden tried to ship 20,000 illiterate, poverty-stricken immigrants into Greenwich, demanding that we feed, house, and educate them and provide them with medical care at Greenwich Hospital? It won’t happen, of course, because Greenwich is rich, and rich = political power, but there are far more communities with Springfield’s mean income than Greenwich’s, and the left has to find someplace to store a billion or so of the world’s poor. Springfield’s fate should alarm the residents of many of those towns.

And this:

Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio into combat zone: ‘Eight to 10 accidents a day here’

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — Forget about the ducks and geese allegedly disappearing from public parks. In this beleaguered city, residents say the biggest problem, by far, is that wild-driving Haitian migrants — unfamiliar with US road laws — are turning the streets into combat zones.

And the result can be deadly. The family of Springfield grandma Kathy Heaton experienced this firsthand on Dec. 1 — a day after her 71st birthday — when a Haitian migrant ran her down while she was collecting her garbage cans.

And the driver got off scot-free.

… Mandy and countless other Springfield residents feel the problem is in the roughly 20,000 Haitian migrants who have flooded into this city of just 60,000 people in just a few years. Longtime residents say the immigrants are getting temporary driving permits without having to learn how to drive safely in the US — or even knowing how to drive at all.

There must be eight to 10 accidents a day here,” one resident who asked not to be named told The Post.

“I’ve seen cars drive up into buildings and onto sidewalks. I believe everyone deserves help, but we shouldn’t be providing cars and licenses until people know how to drive here safely.”

On social media, residents have posted alarming footage showing cars in ditches, smashed up at intersections, flying across the road into oncoming traffic, and even crashed through homes and businesses.

Such accounts line up with what Mandy and her family say they’re seeing on a regular basis – and has left them “constantly stressed and anxious” to do things as basic as walking through a parking lot, let alone going for a drive with her young twins.

“Haitians are going the wrong way down one-way streets, making unlawful U-turns in the middle of the roadways, damaging property by driving recklessly, there’s been some street signs taken out, people have had their garages wrecked,” she said.

“They’re thrown into a situation where they’re given a license with minimal education and training on our laws and rules here.”