She's something special, alright UPDATE: A reader insists that the owner is a Trump supporter, and was only joking. I'm not convinced, but his comment can be found below; you can decide.

Old Greenwich florist displays a skeleton dressed as Trump dangling from a noose. She removed the bandage on his ear, representing the first unsuccessful assassination attempt, only after someone complained; such a lovely person.

This flower girl is just part of what passes for mainstream politics these days:

According to a new survey that RMG Research conducted for the Napolitan News Service, a staggering 17% of voters believe that America would be better off if last week’s assassination attempt on Trump had succeeded. This includes an alarming 28% of Democrats, with another 24% unsure whether America might be better off if Trump were dead.

Only 48% of Democrats could definitively say that the country would not be better off if Trump had been killed.

Miss Salley doesn’t say which part of the 52% of her fellow Democrats she’s part of: sure that the country would be better off had Trump been killed, or just “conflicted”. Either way, I’ll shop accordingly.