Were the exploso-pagers unfair to Hamas terrorists? All the best people say yes, the lower orders think they were just fine

Catholics Who Cheer Exploding Pagers Need to Learn Their Faith and Repent. Uh huh — sure.

As Twitchy reported, the usual suspects — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Rashida Tlaib — were appalled at Israel's strike at Hezbollah militants by selling them thousands of exploding pagers. Most of us thought it was pretty clever and even made some great memes out of it.

Even though Israel pulled it off, some people didn't think it was very Christian of them. MuslimSkeptic.com founder Daniel Haqiqatjou noted that no Muslim had ever committed "terrorism" via mass-distributed consumer goods. Consumer airlines, maybe, but not mass-distributed consumer goods.

And then a modern mackerel snapper — you know, all paths lead to God? — weighed in: