It is beginning to seem easier to just shrug, and walk away

Climate change classes should be ‘mandatory’ in med school, doctor says

‘Irresponsible’ not to train ‘future practitioners for the realities they will be facing’

“My personal opinion is that it should be mandatory,” Dr. Lisa DelBuono told The College Fix via email. “Climate change has been politicized, but it is not a political issue…

“Fossil fuels pollution and climate change are making Michigan residents sick today, and the impacts are on track to become much worse going forward,” she said. “The good news is that climate solutions are health solutions and most of what we do to address climate change will improve human health, save lives, and save healthcare dollars.”

She is the founder and president of Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action.

Harvard to offer course on 'Queering Education,' focuses on 'young people’s schooling experiences'

Participants will study the supposedly ‘hidden curriculum’ of ‘heteronormativity and cisnormativity.’

The course aims to highlight the strategies that schools allegedly use to ‘privilege heterosexual, gendered identities and ways of being.’

Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education will offer a spring semester course titled “Queering Education” that will discuss sexuality in children’s education.  

The course, which will run from March 24 to May 2, 
explores “the role of gender and sexuality in shaping young people’s schooling experiences, opportunities, and outcomes, and the role of schooling experiences in shaping young people’s notions of gender and sexuality.”

More specifically, the course will teach students to understand the supposedly “hidden curriculum” of “heteronormativity and cisnormativity.” The course description alleges that American schools promote “subtle” strategies that “privilege heterosexual, gendered identities and ways of being,” and that “heteronormative schooling” hurts “all students.” 

According to ScienceDirect, heteronormativity is the belief that “heterosexuality is the norm and all individuals are expected to conform to traditional gender roles and relationships.”