It's about time he did; certainly the media won't do it

Issues & Insights reports that the Trump campaign has finally answered the Democrats’s and their media flunkies’ 2025 falsehoods by posting Kampalla’s own agenda.

After being beaten over the head for months by Democrats about “Project 2025” – about which the left has mounted an unprecedented disinformation campaign – Donald Trump has finally figured out how to respond. And it’s a doozy.

Up until now, all Trump would say about Project 2025 is that he didn’t know anything about it. That left the door open for Democrats to say whatever they wanted about that effort and claim it’s a Trump plan.

Project 2025 was never a Trump plan. The book Democrats keep parading around is called “Mandate for Leadership,” which the conservative Heritage Foundation has published every four years since 1980.

It is and always has been meant as a guide for any incoming administration to policies that conservatives endorse. No one outside of policy wonks knew about it, much less read it. And in the 44 years since the first edition came out, only two presidents have used it – Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump – both of whom implemented pro-growth tax cuts, cut back the regulatory Leviathan, and spurred strong, widely shared, economic growth.

This year, with no record to run on, Democrats decided that their entire campaign had to be built around scaring voters about Trump. But since calling him a “threat to democracy” and arresting him wasn’t working, they decided to find another bogeyman. And they settled on the “Mandate.”

At 900 pages, it was big enough that they could find a few things that, taken out of context, seemed frightening, and then they just made up the rest because who’d bother to check?

The campaign worked. An NBC poll finds that American adults have a more negative view of Project 2025 than they do of socialism.

The Democrats are still at it. They even held a mock hearing last week.

The press has apparently tired a little bit of the lies the party is peddling. CNN just called out Tim Walz for claiming that Project 2025 would require parents to register their pregnancies with the federal government.

“Walz’s claims are false,” CNN states categorically.

But up until now, the Trump campaign has inexplicably been on defense.” I don’t know anything about it,” Trump would say. Some of the ideas are nutty, he’d say. “I have my own agenda.” Etc., etc.

At last, and hopefully not too late, he’s figured out how to turn the tables on Harris. And it just took one post on X.

Here it is:

If you’re interested, the left-leaning “Verify” has an almost-objective, reasonably fair explanation of Project 2025; it’s origins, it’s policy recommendations, and whether much of it could pass Congress (hint: it wouldn’t).