I don't think even the Mickster is going to fall for it this time; right, Mick?

Twitchy: How About NO? AP Tries Touting COVID Boosters, Gets OBLITERATED Instead

The media really need to stop trying to make COVID boosters a thing. They tried earlier this summer to say a 'surge' would require a return to 2020 measures (yeah, that's never gonna happen).

We all know people -- we've seen them online -- who've had multiple boosters and still get COVID multiple times. We're all fed up and only die hards are going to continue getting boosters.

But here's the AP, doing its best to get people to get vaxxed.

They write:

Fall means it’s time for just about everybody to get up to date on their flu and COVID-19 vaccines – and a lot of older adults also need protection against another risky winter virus, RSV.

Yes, you can get your flu and COVID-19 shots at the same time. Don’t call them boosters — they’re not just another dose of last year’s protection. The coronavirus and influenza are escape artists that constantly mutate to evade your body’s immune defenses, so both vaccines are reformulated annually to target newer strains.

“Right now is the best time” to get all the recommended fall vaccinations, said Dr. Mandy Cohen, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as she got her flu shot Wednesday. She has an appointment for her COVID-19 shot, too. It’s “the single most effective thing you can do to protect yourself, your family, your community.”

After COVID, is there anyone who still trusts anything our government minders tell us? Very few, it seems:

The challenge: Getting more Americans to roll up their sleeves. Last year, just 45% of adults got a flu vaccination and even fewer, 23%, got a COVID-19 shot. A survey released Wednesday by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases shows an equally low number intend to this fall.

I actually know two older friends who boasted to me that they’d just been (voluntarily — that will probably change, for all of us) injected with both a flu “vaccine” and the latest version of the Bat Flu non-vaccine. A bit baffling, but I also know that they intend to vote for Kamalla Ding Dong, so I suppose it’s not so surprising after all.

BONUS CONTENT: Remember this one? I doubt Joe does, but he wouldn’t; he can’t.