
Cadaver Dick and his little sidekick Big Ears were oh-so-upset over their senate colleagues surrender to reality this week, and by gosh, they refused to stay silent; they dared to speak truth to power. Thursday, Murphy said what no one has said before, because he’s just that kind of man: “the spending bill makes it easier for Trump and his allies to "hand our government over to his billionaire friends." Oooh, billionaires! Wicked, evil billionaires, throwing the country into a constitutional crisis!

But what about Chris and Dick’s own billionaire friends? Don’t they have any? Oh, yes they do, and plenty of them.

Like Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss, who’s been hiding in the shadows for decades — at least since 1990 — but is finally being exposed:

Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss, 89, bankrolling US ‘working families’ group opposed to Trump tax cuts

WASHINGTON — A Swiss billionaire is funneling his money into a pop-up progressive advocacy group claiming to support “working families” and denouncing President Trump’s plans to extend tax cuts as a giveaway to the ultra-rich.

Families Over Billionaires, which launched when Trump returned to the White House in January, was set up as a temporary entity to oppose the extension of Trump’s signature 2017 tax legislation — but its “eight-figure” fundraising campaign, through an array of pass-through organizations, is backed by the very wealthy.

That’s because the fledgling Families for Billionaires, which doesn’t even have a donation option on its website for the public, is actually a trade name of the massive liberal dark money Sixteen Thirty Fund, according to business records filed in Washington, DC.

Sixteen Thirty has received $280 million from the Berger Action Fund, an advocacy group that works with Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss’ eponymous Wyss Foundation, past reports and disclosures from its affiliated groups show.

“Families Over Billionaires is nothing more than a front group for the dark money behemoth Sixteen Thirty Fund,” Americans for Public Trust executive director Caitlin Sutherland told The Post.

“It’s the height of irony that a group that has received at least $280 million from a foreign national is trying to brand themselves as fighting for American families.”

The fledgling group intends to use “paid media, rapid response, surrogate operations, and grassroots mobilization” to get its message out, a press release notes, while congressional Republicans draft Trump’s marquee tax legislation.

Families Over Billionaires is essentially an astroturf progressive organization, filings reveal.x/TaxWarRoom

Wyss is a top backer of liberal causes in the US and his fortunes largely derive from the medical device maker company Synthes, which he sold to Johnson & Johnson over a decade ago.

Due to his Swiss citizenship, he is not legally allowed to donate to US political candidates, though he has done so between 1990 and 2006, while managing to avoid prosecution, per the Associated Press.

To comply with rules intended to block foreign influence in US elections, Wyss pumps cash into dark money groups — certain types of nonprofit organizations that are not legally required to disclose donors.

Much of his money has flowed to organizations like the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the New Venture Fund, which are both part of the dark money network run by Arabella Advisors.

Part of the behemoth Arabella Advisors

Arabella Advisors, which services a network of progressive nonprofits, including Sixteen Thirty, was founded in 2005 and has long championed left-wing causes. Arabella Advisors takes in management fees from those firms for handling human resources and legal matters.

“They created an intentionally complex web of interrelated organizations that espouse anti-corporatist beliefs and call themselves grassroots — but really serve to consolidate power into the hands of a few influential individuals,” a former New Venture Fund official told the Free Press, which first reported on the ties between the Arabella network and Families Over Billionaires.

George Soros is a top donor to the Arabell Advisors network which backs astroturf progressive groups.

The DC-based Arabella Advisors’ network of nonprofits is known to have raked in eye-popping amounts of cash across its vast network of progressive groups, including $1.3 billion in 2023.

Billionaires George SorosPierre Omidyar, Bill Gates and Reid Hoffman have publicly disclosed multi-million donations to the network.

Posing as grassroots

While the trade name of Families Over Billionaires is detailed in corporate documents, the group on its website portrays itself as a grassroots organization that enjoys support from labor unions “as well as leaders and advocates from across the country.”

Among the groups listed on its public website as a partner is Indivisible, another pop-up group that Republicans have accused of packing recent town halls to oppose the Department of Government Efficiency’s (DOGE) budget trimming and federal workforce cutting efforts.

Indivisible, which enjoys Soros funding, launched in 2016 around the time of Trump’s first election victory and has organized protests in deep-red states like Montana as well as election swing states such as Georgia. [and Greenwich, of course — Ed]

Additionally, influential unions like the National Education Association (NEA) and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) are listed as partners.

Families Over Billionaires held its first demonstration at the US Capitol last month, decrying House Republicans’ effort to pass border security, energy reform and tax cuts into law via a process known as budget reconciliation, which allows for a simple majority of Congress to approve legislation.

Sixteen Thirty Fund has over two dozen active trade names listed on corporate filings with Washington, DC, including Protect Our Care, Stop Deficit Squawks, the Rural Victory Fund, Better IRS, Defend American Democracy.

And this fellow: ever hear of this one? He too has been busy for decades, but here’s just a sampling of what he was up during the lead in to the midterm 2022 elections:

A nonprofit financed by billionaire George Soros quietly donated $140 million to advocacy organizations and ballot initiatives in 2021, plus another $60 million to like-minded charities. Soros, who personally donated $170 million during the 2022 midterms to Democratic candidates and campaigns on top of that, spread the additional largess through the Open Society Policy Center — a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that falls under the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations network, according to a copy of its 2021 tax filing, which was obtained by CNBC and is the most recent data available.

The Open Society Policy Center also doled out $138 million to advocacy groups and causes in 2020. Two of Soros’ children sit on its board, the tax filings and its website show. The donations bring Soros’ contributions to political campaigns and causes since January 2020 to roughly half a billion dollars — at the least — most of it steered through dark money nonprofit groups and going largely toward political causes aligned with the Democratic Party.

Or these guys — didn’t hear Blumenthal or Murphy squealing about them, eh?

VOX, Oct. 27, 2020: Here are the 15 Silicon Valley millionaires spending the most to beat Donald Trump

“These tech titans have spent $120 million over the last two years, leading Silicon Valley’s political awakening.

“This list also doesn’t tally all political donations. It doesn’t include gifts to state or local candidates. And, most importantly, the sums don’t include the tens of millions of dollars — likely even hundreds of millions — that these donors are spending on outside groups that aren’t required to disclose their backers. So Silicon Valley megadonors’ true contributions to ousting Trump are impossible to assess in total, meaning it is also impossible to assess the scale of their influence in American democracy.”

So pardon me if I’m not moved by the panic our two native harlots are attempting to engender.