Hey, if it will help the country — and it will — I'm all for it

Biden aides, more Democrats pile on ex-prez’s offer to boost party fundraising after 2024 disaster: ‘This is an SNL skit’

“These people drank so much of their own Kool-Aid,” ranted the ex-senior White House adviser, “that they believed — and still seemingly believe — that an 82-year-old man with a 38% approval rating on a good day, who can’t sit down for a simple traditional 10-minute pre-Super Bowl interview, was the answer for Democrats in 2024 and now this same group thinks the Bidens are the answer for Democrats now?

“The fact that they continue to surround themselves with the same cast of clowns who delivered them nothing but the most devastating humiliation in modern political history — a president’s own power taken away by his own party — is all you need to know about them. They’ve learned nothing and they are the absolutely last and worst remedy for what ails the party in 2025 and 2026.”

The White House advisor is probably correct in his assessment of Biden’s value to the Democrat party, but the majority of Americans are not Democrats: they’re Republicans, independents, and Kardashian followers, and their interests should also be considered. What’s bad for Democrats is good for the country, so Joe, come on down!