Wear it proudly, is my advice

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The Greenwich Republican Town Committee is upset by these fake “Trump/Camillo” signs, being planted around town by Sean Goldbrick and his fellow Democrats, but why? Goldbrick and company are running a criminal whose best qualification for office is a proven track record of disloyalty to her running mates and willingness to shove their heads underwater if necessary, and while they think that demonstrates toughness, it also doesn’t leave them with much of a platform to use. “I promise to raise your taxes and waste your money”, while an accurate summary of the Oberland Position, lacks a certain appeal.

So of course they’ll try to bring the Wicked Ogre into the race, and run against him, but big deal. The next two years will be all about Trump anyway, and pretending that we local Republicans have never heard of the man or, worse, are embarrassed by him, is a losing proposition. Stand by your man, Freddie, and embrace the power of Orange.

And besides, “Make Greenwich Great Again” is a far more positive goal than is Jilting’ Jill’s own, “Greenwich: Hartford Aborning”. The former is catchy; Jill’s is just depressing.