NYT: Enemy of the nation

Sowing doubt and confusion among its enemies, the American public

Sowing doubt and confusion among its enemies, the American public

And as it turned out,

Tesla to start manufacturing ventilators, joining GM

Hanes will start manufacturing face masks

Apple will donate “millions of facemasks in fight against coronavirus”

Large, and small: Chelmsford manufacturer races to produce more ventilators

A ventilator manufacturer in Chelmsford is cranking up production, racing to produce thousands more of the life-saving machines as the coronavirus pandemic makes them ever more important.

“We’re doing anything we can to build as many of these devices as we can,” said Elijah White, the president of Zoll Medical Corp. “This is a true national health emergency.”

Zoll, headquartered in Chelmsford, is going into overdrive to build ventilators as hospitals, medical facilities and the government need more and more of them.

“In the last three weeks we have more than quadrupled our output,” said White, saying the goal is to continue to ramp up toward 10 times Zoll’s normal output. He declined to give specifics of the numbers, but said that means thousands a month.

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