Manufacturers' reliance on outsourcing to China hurts everyone

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Mexican cartels searching for alternative suppliers of meth ingredients as Chinese factories shut down

The coronavirus pandemic is driving up the price of heroin, methamphetamine, and fentanyl as Mexican cartels scramble to get their hands on Chinese-manufactured chemicals now in short supply.

“The cartels are having a lot of difficulty producing drugs right now, and when the supply is low the price always goes up,” a US federal law enforcement source told The Post. “China has pretty much stopped production on the chemicals they need to do business.”

The pandemic has led to a shortage of workers at labs in China which produces more than 80 percent of precursor chemicals such as benzylfentanyl, norfentanyl and 4-anilinopiperidine used by the cartels to manufacture synthetic opioids such as black market heroin made in clandestine labs and fentanyl.

A year ago those free traders at Daily Kos were fulminating over Trump’s tariffs hurting consumers. Just wait til their readers discover this latest attack on their lifestyle.