Well, really, it's for their own good; those types of people just wouldn't feel comfortable here

God and Wokeness at Yale“The mayor [also] said he considered asking Yale if the city could use some dorm space to house homeless individuals, as New Haven is trying to reduce the numbers in shelters that are too crowded to allow for social distancin…

God and Wokeness at Yale

“The mayor [also] said he considered asking Yale if the city could use some dorm space to house homeless individuals, as New Haven is trying to reduce the numbers in shelters that are too crowded to allow for social distancing. He said he had not made that request to Yale.”


New Haven asks local universities if they can put up firefighters and policemen in empty dorms. Yale says no, University of New Haven makes it happen.

An angry Mayor Justin Elicker said he asked Yale University President Peter Salovey whether police officers and firefighters who are asymptomatic, but who have a family member exposed to COVID-19, or who are not symptomatic, but have been exposed to the virus, or are waiting for test results, if they could use a dormitory at the university.

The mayor said the dormitory request was to provide a place where firefighters and police officers with symptoms could self-isolate so they didn’t have to go home and potentially infect their family or be infected by another family member.

The healthy members could continue to go to work, while those with symptoms would not expose others on the force or in the firehouses, if they had a place to stay.

The answer was no.

He said he then called UNH President Steve Kaplan, “who in the first 5 minutes of the conversation, said ‘yes. We will make this happen. This is important for the community.’”

Karen Peart, spokeswoman for Yale, issued a long statement in response to the mayor’s criticism, explaining that the students’ rooms won’t be ready for new occupants for weeks.

“Our student rooms still contain their belongings, but we have teams planning the feasibility of packing and storing all the student belongings so that the rooms could be utilized,” she said.

“We are pursuing schemes that involve professional movers and packers, and using temporary storage. The process will take weeks, as all of the residence hall rooms on campus are filled with student belongings. As soon as we have been able to clear any space, we have informed the mayor that we will let him know,” Peart said.

“Well really, dear”, Ms. Pert told FWIW, “it simply wouldn’t do. Our students will be back in the fall, and they would be horrified to learn that some … some, policeman had been sleeping in their room. And besides, the school has already done what we always do in these sorts of unfortunate situations: we’ve sent them a nice, fat check. So much cleaner, as I’m sure you can see.”