The trouble with being out of the loop is that it takes so much time to get caught up
/Ordinarily, I don’t bother; I’ve yet to figure out which one of the Jenners had a penis and which never did, and what relationship any/either of them has to a Kardashian, and I have no interest in figuring it out. But this Tweet from a Rick Wilson to someone named Kayleigh Mcenany caught my eye simply because I had no idea who the parties were and why people were laughing at Wilso
So it turns out Wilson’s a rabid Never Trumper Republican,(“blue checked”, which I believe means that Twitter has labeled him a reliable, trusted source) and pizza lover Kayeigh was a young college student who would grow up, go on to Harvard Law School and eventually take a job as Trump’s press secretary. Domino’s failure to see a Nazi aborning back in 2012 is in Wilson’s opinion enough to “kill their brand”, and he’s just the man to do it; the bastards!
Years from now, when psychiatrists get around to studying Trump Derangement Syndrome this contribution from Wilson will be Exhibit A.
So here’s the full tweet, showing that it was sent eight years ago, and Domino’s reply to Wilson today.
UPDATE: It seems that Wallace wasn’t the only one to jump on the cancel wagon: