Rum, Buggery, and the Lash (soooiee!): The U.S. returns to the proud traditions of the Royal Navy

profile in courage: “If it gets me this gig, you bet I’m on board!”

Biden Joint Chiefs Nominee Embraces ‘Gender Advisers’ for Troops

One might ask whether preparing to defend the oceans from the ever-expanding Chinese navy weren't more important than fretting over the 1/1064 of sailors who are confused about their sex, but that would expose you as a bigot, you bigot. Priorities!

The revelation came during a Dec. 8 exchange with Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.), who asked how Adm. Christopher Grady intends to implement "women, peace, and security" legislation within the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"The role of a gender adviser is a way to attack a very significant issue, and if confirmed, I look forward to leveraging those advisers who can make me think better and smarter about the issues that you raise," Grady said. "So I look forward to, if confirmed, understanding that ecosystem and helping advance that cause going forward again."

It seems that Admiral Grady, a graduate of Notre Dame, spent far more time ashore during his career than actually at sea, but if you’re sucking up to the brass, you want to be close enough to touch them with your lips.