As the Jan.6 "Insurrection" hearings drag on, Biden has thrown open our border to all comers. Who's the insurrectionist?

god forbid a terrorist should slip past TSA and board an airplane

Daily Caller.

EXCLUSIVE: Videos Show Migrants Crossing Into Arizona With No Border Patrol In Sight

From as many as thirty different countries.

Republican Yuma Mayor Douglas Nicholls declared a local emergency Thursday due to a 2,647% increase in the number of migrant encounters since Oct. 1.

And from Town Hall:

Border Patrol Documents Reveal Few Agents Patrolling Yuma Sector During Historic Crisis:

Border Patrol daily assignment rosters in the Yuma Sector, obtained exclusively by Townhall, show how open the U.S.-Mexico border has become in the area as many agents — instead of patrolling the international border — are assigned to either process the thousands of illegal immigrants who willingly give themselves up to seek asylum or transport the large groups of people from the border to the sector's headquarters.

The documents, which span several weeks of assignments for Yuma Station, provide a rare insight into the daily operations for a sector that experienced a 584 percent increase in single adult encounters, a 242 percent increase in family unit encounters, and a 237 percent increase in unaccompanied children encounters during fiscal year 2021 compared to fiscal year 2020. The assignment logs, which were given to Townhall unedited except to show who was on patrol and who was on field processing, have been blacked out to protect the identities of the Border Patrol agents. They did not include the assignments for agents working at Blythe Station or Wellton Station.

The documents show when one to four agents are assigned to patrol the southern border, they are often placed near the San Luis Port of Entry or have to cover multiple zones by themselves. Prior to this year's surge, it was explained to Townhall that most of the zones would be covered by at least one agent, depending on if there was a wall and the manpower for the day.

The logs reveal, depending on the day and shift, more agents are assigned to actions such as transport, processing, or hospital watch, where they guard illegal immigrants taken to local hospitals, instead of patrolling the border.

"Border Patrol no longer does border enforcement. It does border enrollment," a source said.

For September 24 during the 14:00-00:00 shift:

  • Two agents were assigned to patrol.

  • One agent was assigned to field processing.

  • Three agents were security for the processing facility.

  • Four agents were assigned to transport.

  • Six agents were assigned to hospital watch.

"I remember when Trump was president, illegal aliens used to hide from the Border Patrol," the same source told Townhall. "Now the Border Patrol has to hide from them."