I've been saying this for years, but someone else has finally noticed what's going on

Ingraham Pinpoints the Next Freedom the Progressive Left Is Planning to Target

She warned that progressives have their sights set on private vehicular travel.

The left’s “ultimate goal” is “limiting your ability to travel with convenience – when you want, where you want.

[T]he fervor for government dependency existed before COVID-19, but Biden and his party intend to exploit it. Biden revealed this himself, she said, that he "wants to get as many cars off the road as possible" in order to fight climate change.

Biden said that taking "millions of automobiles off the road" would clean up the air and save oil. "This is not hyperbole. This is a fact. These are facts," he added.

In 2019, then-Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang publicly advocated for the elimination of private car ownership, arguing vehicles are “really inefficient and bad for the environment.” And in 2020, The New York Times was running editorialsabout the "amazing" "future without cars." That trend has continued in 2021, with Forbes publishing a piece on how the "days of personal car ownership could be numbered."

It’s all about control of the serfs. The Left’s wet dreams about light rail and trollies, HOV lines to force people to carpool and travel to work at set times, abolishing single-family zoning and replacing it with multi-story worker housing units, and so on, are all designed to keep people in place and not wandering about the country as they please. Mandating electric cars that will have no electricity to charge them is just another phase in the plan.

In the good old days, villeins were tied to their lord’s manor and could not leave it without his permission; just a century ago in rural New England, a significant portion of the population lived and died within 10 miles of their home village. They were “free” to travel, but except when the government transported them as fodder in its wars, they had no means to get anywhere.

We’re trudging back to the good old days.