Just like communism
/WASHINGTON, D.C.—As the public grows increasingly skeptical of the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, Democrats are pushing back by informing the public that true vaccines haven’t been tried yet.
“I know that fully vaccinated people are still catching and transmitting COVID, but that's only because those first few vaccines weren't TRUE vaccines. True COVID vaccines have never been tried,” explained a dancing AOC in her latest TikTok video. “The first 2 or 3 doses didn't really count. We need everyone to take more boosters for the vaccines to actually be effective. That's just science!”
In a statement from a local Coldstone Creamery, President Joe Biden agreed, saying: “Look, here’s the deal. I would never lie to you nor would I forsake you. These vaccines are gencruztrerotic. At least that’s what they tell me. Come on, man, it’s trelblishnocent!”