Because Chicago schools are safe, their test scores are outstanding, and because, by golly, it's just the right thing to do

reading class

Chicago school system has made all bathrooms “gender-neutral”.

“This is an incredibly important step to increase gender equity for all,” said Camie Pratt, the CPS Title IX officer.

This might — might — work in schools where gangs didn’t roam the hallways, riot in classrooms, and beat their teachers senseless, but it will never succeed, however “success” is intended to be defined, in Chicago.

And even ignoring the guaranteed danger the Chicago school system is exposing (see what I did there?) its girls to, and the embarrassment this will cause students of both genders, all to make 0.001 % of the student population “feel comfortable”, it seems fair to look at how the system is performing its only real task, educating those micturating children. Uh oh! Not so well.

At CPS, [Chcgo Public School System] 21% of kids met or exceeded English standards this year, compared to 28% in 2019. In math, only 16% met or exceeded expectations, down from 24% the year before the pandemic. The test wasn’t administered last year.

Similar trends, though not as steep, were seen on the SAT college-entrance exam administered to 11th-graders.

About 23% of students met or exceeded expectations in English this year, down from 26% in 2019. And 21% reached satisfactory levels in math this year compared to 27% before the pandemic.

A 70% failure rate, even before the teachers took a year off and closed the classrooms. Do you suppose schools are using hot topic items like CRT and transvestite bathrooms to deflect attention from their abysmal failure to produce literate and numerate graduates? Nah.