Well, of course they did

Ed Driscoll: OCEANIA INCREASES CHOCOLATE RATIONS FROM 30 GRAMS PER WEEK TO 20! Biden Hasn’t Fixed The Port Crisis — Ships Are Just Being Counted Differently.

They moved them further offshore, so they couldn’t be seen.

Redefining numbers is standard procedure for organizations that want to show progress or, as in Xi Bat Flu, an increasing terror. I saw an article yesterday, which isn’t worth digging up to link to because it’s so unsurprising, that the FBI, as part of its attack on Trump, wanted ti show a rise in hate crimes after he’d taken office, so it put out a directive to police forces around the country to change their definition of the crime, and report those new numbers to federal headquarters. This was done, and presto! A record number of hate crimes were suddenly discovered.

As I say, standard procedure.