A nasty piece of work

No, those are not her own daughters, who she left long ago

No, those are not her own daughters, who she left long ago

Greenwich’s former state senator Alex Kasser-Bergstein tells why she quit. She’s lying, of course.

Looking ahead, Kasser said, “I have to focus my time and energy on this divorce...There’s a trial scheduled for September.”

Kasser, who was in her second term as state senator representing all of Greenwich and parts of Stamford and New Canaan, said like many other women she was ultimately forced to choose between her career and her family.

Kasser’s children are ages 17, 21 and 23. “It is too painful to be in Greenwich now that I’ve been erased from their lives, just as their father promised would happen if I ever left him,” she said in personal statement released with her resignation.

In the interview, she added, “My children have always been my priority and they continue to be my priority...I need to be focused on this personal situation before I can resume my professional focus.”

Despite that, she rebuffed the notion that her need to focus on her children was a factor in her resignation. Asked during Thursday’s phone interview whether her children were proud of her for getting into politics, Kasser replied: “not at all.”

Interviews with her children over the past few years have revealed that her kids hate her; they want nothing to do with her, and she’s made clear she wants nothing to do with them — she’s off to her new life as a lesbian feminist, or so she says.

And so consumed by a divorce that she can’t work? I handled a number of divorces in my legal career and encountered a few deranged parties like Kasser* — we’re lucky she no longer represents Greenwich.

What did she accomplish, or try to accomplish in Hartford? She was “a vociferous proponent of tolls”, a passion that went nowhere, and did manage to get a bill passed that added “coercive control” to the definition of domestic violence. Kasser-Bergstein claims that her husband used her lesbianism to keep her in her unhappy marriage, and pushed this bill so that she’d have ammunition to use in her banshee attack on her husband. The bill has not been signed into law by Lamont, but you can be sure her lawyers will bring it up as evidence of abuse anyway.

Is it corrupt for a legislator to get a law passed for her personal benefit? It’s certainly business as usual, but that doesn’t make it ethical or legal.

*A friend reminded me, by sending along a transcript of a hearing on this matter, that the lady has a $19 million trust fund, a multi-million-dollar house in Nantucket, and a $5,000 per month apartment in Greenwich that her children refuse to visit. So, if it’s not money or children this woman is shrieking about, why does she persist?
