This will drive the final nail in the Federal health care establishment's credibility

no choice, soldier(By the way, it occurs to me that that’s probably DDT powder being administered to this poor sad sack)

no choice, soldier

(By the way, it occurs to me that that’s probably DDT powder being administered to this poor sad sack)

FDA issues final approval for Pfizer’s vaccine, paving the way for mandatory vaccination programs. The military is not allowed legally to command its forces to submit to an “experimental” drug, and a number of court decisions have also supported the right of ordinary citizens to refuse injections of a substance that hasn’t been granted final approval by the FDA. Today’s announcement is designed to eliminate that obstacle.

That 40+% of the population who distrust these vaccines and consider them to be part of some government scheme to kill black people and MAGAs aren’t going to be reassured by this action. Instead, I think they’ll see it as just another political ploy, based on expediency and the drive for coercion, rather than “science”.

I’m okay with the vaccine — I’ve done the Moderna double-dose myself, and haven’t died yet — but I totally understand the skepticism and suspicions of some people out there, especially after being lied to and deceived by our rulers since January, 2020.

UPDATE: I’m not the only one to notice the implications of this move. Politico: FDA approves Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, making way for more vaccine mandates. And note this:

Within hours of the announcement Monday, the Pentagon said it would accelerate plans to mandate vaccination for active-duty troops, and New York City said it would require vaccination for all teachers ahead of the new school year. Several companies and universities have announced plans for mandates that would be triggered by FDA's full approval of Covid shots.