Bad enough they won't permit HIM to answer questions from the press ... ..

no questions, please, he’s British

no questions, please, he’s British

White House handlers cut off feed as Boris Johnson is in mid-sentence

Obviously concerned that the PM was showing up the ventriloquist dummy after Biden, following orders, had refused to answer questions at a joint news conference, and Johnson did, Dozey’s controllers quickly stepped in.

President Joe Biden declined to call on U.S. reporters Tuesday after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson took questions from reporters from the United Kingdom during an Oval Office meeting.

After a brief conversation with Biden that touched on issues ranging from climate change and transport infrastructure to lifting the ban on British beef, Johnson opened the floor for reporters from his home country.

"Would it be okay if we have just a couple of questions, just a couple?" Johnson asked, looking over to Biden, who replied, "Good luck."

After Johnson had taken several questions from British reporters, the press pool was then corraled out of the Oval Office while Johnson was mid-sentence, prompting a flurry of shouted questions from reporters. Biden appeared to respond to one of them about the border, but his answer was muffled by his mask and the commotion.

“This was perfectly normal, standard procedure”, Miss Jenny told FWIW. “The White House media lackeys were heard mumbling about their — erroneous — perception that British reporters were allowed to ask questions of their leader, while the American President was sitting in his chair like a scared, dumb log, and since that was obviously not the case, we acted swiftly to prevent any confusion. Next question.”