Misleading headline: this was a victory for Biden and his goal of shutting down all domestic oil production

We’re sorry, Prince Abdulaziz, and we’ll never try that again

Judge tosses Biden admin Gulf of Mexico oil and gas lease sale after challenge from environmentalists

A federal judge threw out a massive offshore oil and gas lease sale after it was challenged by environmental groups, ruling that the Biden administration violated federal law when it relied on "arbitrary and capricious" climate change impact model.

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Rudolph Contreras ruled Thursdaythat Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management based its decision to go through with the sale on a climate analysis completed during the Trump administration, which found that not [sic] the acreage in the Gulf of Mexico would lead to more greenhouse gas emission from foreign oil companies.

Biden’s handlers had no intention of proceeding with this sale, nor did they defend it: they’d already killed it:

The ruling comes after President Biden issued a temporary pause on all new oil and gas lease sales last year, a move that was struck down by a Louisiana judge, which the administration claimed forced them to go through with what would have been the largest offshore lease sale in U.S. history.

The Saudis predict that global oil production will have fallen 30% by 2030 if funding and exploration continue to be slashed. That’s a prediction that will bring great joy to many in the U.S.; indeed they’re hard at work ensuring that oil production will fall far lower than even that. And what will the world run on in 8 years? Nothing. There will be nothing, and we will be happy.