There goes the Byram market

Actually, it’s probably only one-third that number of foregone breakfasts, which run closer to $24 in New York. So, just ten years of deprivation, kids — you can do it!

Junior bankers at Morgan Stanley shocked at their puny $40,000 bonuses.

The mid-range bonuses at Morgan Stanley this year were around $40,000 to $45,000, according to posts by junior bankers on closely watched financial blog Wall Street Oasis. 

“What the f*** is this s***??? Why would anybody choose to take such a f***ing ENORMOUS discount relative to boutiques?” one outraged banker posted, referencing boutique firms that are known for doling out large sums. “They pay 80-120 [thousand dollars] in bonus…and I just took home 44k. What the actual f***.”

Another user chimed in, “That’s a s*** bonus for what’s supposed to be a top bank.”

The MBAs at second-tier banks have also had their feelings hurt:

The bonus “just killed morale, and our group has already been getting crushed,” one junior Barclays banker kvetched. “Have had very little motivation to work and that just got thrown out the window.” 

Junior wannabee Masters of the Universe at Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan could also be facing a disappointing bonus season. They expect to find out next week.

The stingy payouts come as Wall Street faces a sharp dropoff in the flow of big corporate deals including IPOs and leveraged financing, sparking renewed fears that layoffs are looming in the months ahead. On Monday, Goldman said it planned to slow hiring and reinstate employee reviews that are used to cull laggard employees. 

Bonuses for senior bankers — which are expected to be smaller this year as well — likely won’t be awarded until the end of the year.

While it’s hard to feel too much sympathy for these children, they do represent the bread and butter buyers in our lower tier markets, so let’s hope they can cut down on their avocado toasties and save enough to still be able to afford Byram and Cos Cob.