So, will she use her new power to lock down gay bars and spas, like she did churches, schools and restaurants during Covid?

stay home, lads — just for a couple of weeks

San Francisco mayor declares a legal state of emergency because of Schlong Covid

Close down the infection vectors? How dare anyone even suggest that? But that’s because to focus on the sexual proclivities of those who are susceptible to this non-fatal (5 deaths, worldwide, all of which occurred in rural African towns) disease would be homophobic. Look how carefully NPR treats this touchy subject:

The declaration, which takes effect Monday, was welcomed by gay advocates who have grown increasingly frustrated by what they called San Francisco's lackluster response to a virus that so far has affected primarily men who have sex with men, although anyone can get infected.

… The monkeypox virus spreads through prolonged skin-to-skin contact, which includes sex, kissing, breathing at close range, and sharing bedding and clothing, the public health department said. Health officials are asking people who could be at risk to cover exposed skin when out in crowds and to watch out for symptoms, such as fever, blisters and rashes.

Pro-tip for those health authorities: “covering exposed skin when out in crowds” might better be expressed, “avoiding pressing or inserting naked genitals into other men whilst in a crowded orgy”. There: fixed it for you.