Environmental “Equity” – the Third World starves, we have more tourist destinations

and an autistic swedish teenager will guide us

Green Globalism is the ultimate expression of white supremacy

Edward Ring, American Greatness

Green globalists are proclaiming a planetary crisis to camouflage an agenda of conquest dominated by white Westerners. Green imperialism is still imperialism.

If life on Earth will come to an end unless all nations achieve “net zero” emissions by 2050, but so far the only nations attempting to achieve this goal are white Western nations, then to save the earth, those nations that are not complying must be forced to comply. In the short run, for example, this means preventing emerging nations from acquiring the investment and technical support to develop an energy economy based on fossil fuel. But within a decade or two, with another generation of Westerners reaching adulthood firmly convinced the world will come to an end if “net zero” is not achieved, the green agenda will be a marketable justification for world war.

It is possible to make this prediction without predicting the outcome. By 2040 or 2050, if not much sooner, the rest of the world will have had quite enough of Western meddling in their energy economy. Powerful nations like China and India will continue to develop whatever resources they wish, at the same time as they will invest in “environmentally incorrect” energy infrastructure in African nations and elsewhere, where the people are desperate to lift themselves into prosperity. This will be a source of increasing international tension, as the white Western globalists invoke the climate emergency and repeatedly attempt to thwart these efforts. At a time that may or may not be by choice, the West will have goaded the rest of the world into open conflict. How it may end is anybody’s guess.

….. I remember a few years ago speaking with a liberal friend who, like me, had been critical of the U.S. occupation of Iraq. But when I asked my friend, hypothetically, if he would support America invading Brazil to save the Amazon rainforest, he lit up with enthusiasm. Without hesitation he proclaimed wholehearted support for such an adventure.

The environmental movement has always been dominated by whites. With rare exceptions, every trailblazing leader was white, and the movement today is overwhelmingly white. In the early days, they did amazing work. Greenpeace used to have just one mission: Save whales. The Rainforest Action Network was formed to protect rainforests. Even the EPA in its early years was committed to getting genuine pollutants out of the environment. No reasonable person questions the importance of environmentalist values, so long as they are balanced against human priorities. But just as the environmentalist movement has now been co-opted by the Left, and incorporated the entire leftist agenda into what was once an undiluted and important focus, the Left itself has been co-opted by globalists.

These people are overwhelmingly white, from the environmentalist power brokers that lead that corrupted movement today, to the plutocrats that define and implement the globalist agenda. What a terrific new bludgeon the climate emergency provides them. White globalists now have a moral justification to control the world: All resource consumption must be monitored and managed, or life on earth will come to an end. A threat so existential and so certain—because “the science” is beyond debate—must be met and overcome using any means necessary up to and including a genocidal war. It is better to kill a few billion people than to let the planet burn up. [The “right” size population for earth, I’ve read, varies between 750 million and 1.5 billion, depending on which zealot is speaking. — ED]

There is nothing redeeming in the green globalist war on conventional energy. We’re not talking about coordinating fishing quotas so Asian trawlers don’t strip mine every shred of living protein out of the oceans. We’re not talking about restoring mangrove forests on tropical coasts around the world to again buffer tsunamis. There are plenty of legitimate avenues for international cooperation by sovereign nations. But using an alleged “climate emergency” to take over and ration the energy consumption of the entire world is illegitimate and immoral. To promote it while fully aware of its inevitable consequences is evil.

… In the ideological civil war within Western nations, the current ruling class, for all its proclamations against “white supremacy,” is itself the faction that is attempting to impose an explicitly supremacist agenda on the world. Green imperialism is still imperialism. Their opponents, decried as MAGA, or worse, are today’s inheritors of the ideals that inspired America’s founders—competitive free enterprise, private property rights, freedom of speech, individual rights, and the sovereign right of the people to choose their government.

Related: (2021) Nigerian Minister Decries Defunding of Gas Projects as Inequitable

Nigeria’s environment minister warned Wednesday that an international push to stop funding for gas projects in sub-Saharan Africa is threatening the region’s ability to decarbonize in a fair way.

Speaking during a virtual ministerial event on energy, hosted by the United Nations, Mohammad Mahmood Abubakar said several wealthier nations “have gas as a major pillar in their multidecade decarbonization.”

“However, many are now limiting financing to gas projects for domestic use in sub-Saharan Africa, a region responsible for 0.55% of global carbon emission that still needs to industrialize and grow,” he said. “The defunding of gas projects by most financing organizations is a threat to achieving a global energy transition that is equitable, inclusive, and just, leaving no one behind.”

Abubakar’s comments highlight the challenges that lower-income countries face in shedding fossil fuels quickly, especially in strained economic times worsened by the coronavirus pandemic The livelihoods of the millions of people working in the sector are also at stake.

Nigeria, with a population of around 200 million people, is the biggest economy in sub-Saharan Africa, and its crude oil and natural gas resources represent the backbone of its revenues. The country is the largest oil producer in Africa and holds the most natural gas reserves on the continent.

The majority of its generated electricity stems from gas. However, about 43% of the country’s population lacks access to grid electricity, making Nigeria the nation with the largest energy access deficit in the world, according to the World Bank.

Gas is less polluting than coal, and several countries around the world pitch it as a transition fuel until a system based on clean renewables is fully set up. However, there’s also a growing global understanding that more investments in gas projects would result in stranded assets in the future.

The European Investment Bank, the biggest multilateral financial institution in the world, will stop financing fossil fuel projects at the end of this year.