This is why they're still running Fetterman in Pennsylvania: they don't need, or even want functioning brains, just warm bodies to act as placeholders while they go about their business

official expression of deep, personal grief Issued by corn pop on August 3, 2022

Biden’s handlers held a news event Tuesday to announce another huge unfunded spending project that will end the oceans’ rising the cure for cancer the end of the world the end of hunger by 2030. 2030’s going to be a busy year, but yesterday the excitement mainly focused on the old man’s attempt to summon Representative Jackie Walorski’s spirit from the vasty deep. He was no more successful at that than Glendower.

Biden issued a statement in August about Walorski after she died and ordered the flags at the White House to be flown at half-mast.

And what is it that “they” were foisting on the public yesterday? The WSJ Editorial Board provides an answer: “The Food Insecurity Racket” The Feds spend $114 billion on food stamps; Biden wants more.

…. But insufficient public benefits aren’t a problem. More than 41 million Americans participated in food stamps each month on average in 2021, up from 35 million in 2019. In 2021 the Agriculture Department increased the benefit by more than 20%, rejiggering the formula ostensibly so recipients could afford more and better food like eggs and produce.

That fillip was separate from a temporary 15% bump in benefits as part of pandemic relief. States have also been allowed to waive whatever modest work and verification requirements once existed. The net effect has been an enormous taxpayer blowout: The feds spent $114 billion on SNAP in 2021, up from $60 billion in 2019. Any residual hunger in America isn’t the result of stingy government.

The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the new benefit formula alone will cost $250 billion to $300 billion over a decade. As the American Enterprise Institute’s Angela Rachidi pointed out this month, a gusher of spending hasn't been accompanied by a significant drop in “food insecurity,” which has replaced “hunger” as the justification for more government programs.

…. Like welfare in general, food stamps were once intended as temporary help for people down on their luck. But over time the program has expanded to become a large and growing entitlement that breeds dependence on government but nonetheless hasn’t managed to solve “food insecurity.” Maybe dependency is the real problem.

UPDATE: I hadn’t forgotten Biden’s urging a paralyzed veteran to stand up to lt the crowd see him, but I couldn’t find it. Now I have.

UPDATE II I’m sorry I missed today’s White House press conference, because it seems that the Media Monkeys have finally decided that the old man’s senility is too much to ignore, and gave the press secretary hell.