A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged

who’s have thought that would happen?

Minnesota Congresswoman who’s been urging the defunding of police now calls for stricter sentencing laws after being assaulted in a D.C. elevator

"I got attacked by someone who the District of Columbia has not prosecuted fully over the course of almost a decade, over the course of 12 assaults before mine that morning," Angie Craig told CBS News. 

"And so I think we have to think about how in the world we can make sure that we’re not just letting criminals out," she added. "I got attacked by someone who the District of Columbia has not prosecuted fully over the course of almost a decade, over the course of 12 assaults before mine that morning," Craig told CBS News. 

"And so I think we have to think about how in the world we can make sure that we’re not just letting criminals out," she added. 

Craig emphasized that repeat offenders are not always deterred by short sentences and punishments.

"I mean, it wasn’t even in every instance that he got 10 days or 30 days. Many times, the charges were completely dropped before any justice was achieved at all," she said.

"If you throw somebody in jail for 10 days and think, 'There's your punishment, and we're gonna let you right back on the street,' what the hell do you think's gonna happen?" Craig asked. 

It’s true that a few liberals aren’t swayed by life experience: the family of Jen Angel, the California woman dragged to death by two robbers last week has urged that the killer not be incarcerated, but that’s Oakland, which is San Francisco; her family’s lunacy is not seen in most of the country.

What really bothers me about Congresswoman Craig’s personal journey on the road to Damascus is that, guaranteed, she will not use the epiphany she’s just had to examine some of her other beliefs that depend upon magic to come true. For instance, the idea that we can have an endless source of clean, non-polluting electricity that requires no icky mining or unsightly power lines by 2050, that we can have all our homes, factories and vehicles run on some mysterious source of energy that, “if we demand it, it will come.”

Lousiana’s Senator John Kennedy took apart an energy “expert” today along these same lines: Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy?”

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy grilled a climate witness on Wednesday after the witness said he believes Chinese President Xi Jinping would cooperate on climate issues.

Founding partner at Kepos Capital and chair of the Climate-Related Market Risk subcommittee Dr. Robert Litterman testified Wednesday during a hearing to consider “climate-related economic risks and their costs to the Federal Budget and the Global Economy.”

Kennedy first asked how much it would cost to go carbon neutral by 2050, with Litterman saying he was not sure.

“So you’re advocating we do these things, but you don’t know the ultimate cost?” Kennedy pressed.

“Yes, absolutely, I certainly don’t know the ultimate cost,” Litterman said.

Kennedy then asked another witness, President of the American Action Forum Dr. Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the same question, who estimated $50 trillion.

“If we spend $50 trillion … how much will that lower world temperatures?” Kennedy asked, with Holtz-Eakin saying he doesn’t know because it would be contingent on China.

Kennedy then asked Litterman who provided a similar answer, saying it’s about working with other countries, but Kennedy again pressed about the possibility of China and India not cooperating.

“If China and India do not help, I don’t know [how much lower temperatures would be],” Litterman said.

Kennedy then asked Litterman if he believes Xi would do anything “inconsistent with China’s best interests in the name of global climate change?”

“I understand that China has a federal carbon tax,” Litterman said before Kennedy again asked if China would do something that’s not in the best interest of China but rather the world.

Litterman said he believes Xi would cooperate.

“Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy?” Kennedy asked.

“No sir,” Litterman said.

“Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?”

“No sir.”

“Do you believe that Jimmy Hoffa died of natural causes?”

“No sir,” Litterman said.

The scary thing about these obtuse, silly people and their plans is that by the time the country has been thoroughly and completely mugged and discovers that there is no longer an energy infrastructure to sustain the economy, it will be too late to go back to where we were. Oops.