Biden celebrates Presidents Day by jetting off to Ukraine — he might better have spent his time at home, addressing bigger threats to the nation.

Biden signs on for another $500 million in air defense missiles while Zelenskyy watches for toy attack balloons

There are lots of things Biden could have done to signify that he was concerned about America and where it’s going (off a cliff); he chose to flee the country instead. What might he have done? Here are some suggestions:

The University of Austin — established as a free speech alternative to other colleges — over the summer offered its "forbidden courses," which were intended to allow students to "inquire openly into vexing questions" about controversial subjects "with honesty and without fear of shame," the university's website states. The classes covered topics ranging from feminism to the history of the Black male experience since the nation's founding. 

"We debated if Islam is a religion of peace," Sophia Sadikman, who attended a course on critical thinking and freedom of expression, told Fox News. She said they were evaluated on how many logical fallacies students did or didn't make during their arguments.

"We debated if Islam is a religion of peace," Sophia Sadikman, who attended a course on critical thinking and freedom of expression, told Fox News. She said they were evaluated on how many logical fallacies students did or didn't make during their arguments.

"We debated single parent households versus two parent households. We talked about transgenderism," Sadikman, a Brown University senior, told Fox News. "Very intense, hot-button topics."

A diverse student body spanning a wide spectrum of political and social ideologies enriched the program's quality of discourse, according to Hillsdale College junior Jane Kitchen. 

"Every kind of person was there and had things to say," she told Fox News. "So, discussing anything turned into this really rich learning experience." 

"There were so many different kinds of people there, like atheists and Christians and Republicans and Democrats and libertarians," Kitchen, who took a course on feminist history, added. 

  • He could have visited any of our inner-city schools (or almost any school, anywhere in the country) where he could see what 50 years of union teachers have produced. Chicago would be a good choice, or, closer to the White House, Baltimore.

“Spry Community Links School” by the way, raised its cost per public from $20,000 per pupil to $35,000 over the past few years, “YCCCS Association House” spends $52,355 — both have zero students proficient in 4th Grade math or reading.

There are lots of other things he might have done to demonstrate his concern for the country he’s supposed to be leading: firing Fey Peter Buttigeig would have been widely popular, or he could have dropped in on a Walmart supermarket, where a cashier told me yesterday that the load of bread she’s paid 99¢ for last week had cost her $1.49 that morning. None of these would have produced the faked, stirring drama of Ol' Dependables bravely entering a war zone, however, so that’s what his handlers went with.