Can we move them to Aspen (elevation 7,890’) for sanctuary? And will they bring along Ron DeSantis to transform that hell hole of liberalism?

lacking any genuwine black people, these Aspen residents made do

One Daniel Alan Cohen, an associate sociology professor at — where else? — Berkeley, has stirred the 24-hour news cycle by advocating for the complete evacuation of Miami.

The Miami-Dade County government has some clever mapping tools to help people visualize the impending climate risks—rising seas, swelling groundwater, flooded buildings. But too much detail can distract from the bigger picture: Miami is drowning.

In 2020, a report from the climate think tank Resources for the Future declared Miami the most vulnerable major coastal city in the world.

Of course, the city’s future is uncertain—we don’t know quite how much sea-level rise we can still prevent or how well we’ll adapt in place. When I visited a few years ago to talk with people about climate change, many told me that they were sick of outsiders parachuting in to tell them they’re screwed. I get that. And yet in the coming decades, many of the county’s 2.6 million residents will leave. Maybe most of them.

Preparing for Miami’s evacuation would help them immeasurably. Just as important, it would force municipalities across the United States to get serious about hosting climate migrants in egalitarian ways.

Climate conversations about moving out of harm’s way often use the concept of “managed retreat.” People debate how to help communities stay or leave and how governments should buy out groups of vulnerable homeowners. Sometimes tenants get a mention. But the bigger challenge is managed arrival: building huge quantities of green, climate-friendly housing in existing urban and suburban spaces while reconstructing communities to feel even more like home.

The scale will be vast. Matt Hauer, a climate demographer at Florida State University, has shown that millions of Americans will be displaced by rising seas this century, largely from South Florida. Millions already live in areas threatened by wildfire. Even more face a future of unimaginable heat and drought. And worldwide, countless people will flee a “catastrophic convergence” of violence, poverty, and climate change. Much of that can be traced to American imperialism and carbon. In the US, we should aspire to resettle tens of millions of climate migrants in the coming decades.

I’m sure I’m not alone in never having heard of Mr. Cohen nor, I hope, will we hear from him again, but the worst, looniest centralized-government proposals have shown an unsettling tendency of moving from fringe to mainstream in the past few decades, and that shift is increasing.

David Strom, the author of the Hot Air column I’ve linked to above, has looked into the “think tank” cited by Cohen to support his thesis, and he lists some of the sources of the big money flowing into their coffers, money that supports fear-porn propaganda like Cohen’s. What’s “fringe” today may very well be official government policy tomorrow.

Government and Other Organizations

  • Breakthrough Energy

  • Center for Applied Environmental Law and Policy

  • Climate Change Commission

  • Economic Research Service (USDA)

  • Environmental Defense Fund

  • Georgetown Climate Center

  • International Energy Forum

  • Mistra

  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA)

  • National Science Foundation

  • New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

  • Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

  • Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth

  • United States Department of Energy

  • U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, Inc.

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency

  • United States Forest Service (USDA)

  • University of Pennsylvania

  • University of Virginia

  • The Wilderness Society


  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

  • Arnold Ventures

  • The Barr Foundation

  • Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust

  • ClimateWorks Foundation

  • The Energy Foundation

  • The G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation

  • Generation Foundation

  • The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

  • Heising-Simons Foundation

  • John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

  • Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

  • Linden Trust for Conservation

  • The Oak Foundation

  • Peter G. Peterson Foundation

  • Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

  • Sall Family Foundation

  • Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust

  • Schmidt Futures

  • Smith Richardson Foundation

  • Stand Together Trust

  • Waverley Street Foundation

  • The William and Flora Hewlett FoundationGovernment and Other Organizations

    • Breakthrough Energy

    • Center for Applied Environmental Law and Policy

    • Climate Change Commission

    • Economic Research Service (USDA)

    • Environmental Defense Fund

    • Georgetown Climate Center

    • International Energy Forum

    • Mistra

    • National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    • National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA)

    • National Science Foundation

    • New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

    • Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    • Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth

    • United States Department of Energy

    • U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, Inc.

    • United States Environmental Protection Agency

    • United States Forest Service (USDA)

    • University of Pennsylvania

    • University of Virginia

    • The Wilderness Society


    • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

    • Arnold Ventures

    • The Barr Foundation

    • Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust

    • ClimateWorks Foundation

    • The Energy Foundation

    • The G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation

    • Generation Foundation

    • The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

    • Heising-Simons Foundation

    • John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

    • Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

    • Linden Trust for Conservation

    • The Oak Foundation

    • Peter G. Peterson Foundation

    • Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

    • Sall Family Foundation

    • Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust

    • Schmidt Futures

    • Smith Richardson Foundation

    • Stand Together Trust

    • Waverley Street Foundation

    • The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation