Maybe the spring market has finally sprung

3 pending listings reported today, all before noon.

10 Rapids Lane, $10.495 million, 4 days on market.

The owners asked for, but didn’t get $12.5 in 2015-2017, then dropped it to $7.595 in 2018, a number that still met with no success, but this time they stuck gold.

200 Bedford Road, $4.995 million. Built in 1735, it was listed at $5.495 in May of ‘22, so there’s been an adjustment in price during that time, but still, pretty good for an antique on our northern border.

25 Rustic view

25 Rustic View, $2.795, 2 days on the market, so we can assume that it’s done much better than its asking price.

This, by the way, comes just after I posted on Thursday news of a price cut of its neighbor 25 Rustic View from $2.695 to $2.250 and I headed it, “Reality May be Settling In”. Oops! But yes, if your neighbor’s house is priced the same as yours, and his goes into a bidding war while yours sits unloved and unwanted, it’s definitely time to reconsider and regroup.