Until the citizens of this benighted state vacate their houses, turn their property titles over to the distant relatives of displaced Indians, and leave the state, they can just shut up

Massachusetts residents demand state flag be revised to “honor” Indians.

Vesey said the state seal supports the idea that White people are "in charge of this world and that we have to subdue the Native American people" through a "colonializing and violent depiction."

"One of the reasons that we can ignore this so easily is that our White supremacy culturehas really allowed for the disappearance of the Native American world. We’re really trying to say that they are not gone. They are here among us and we really need to, not only recognize that, but to honor it," she added.

Here’s a basic truth, known for thousands of years and only recently forgotten: when neolithic cultures are attacked by more advanced ones, the stone age people lose, every time. Pretending to condemn this truth by beginning public meetings with a meaningless “land acknowledgment” statement, or changing a sports team’s name while retaining the stadium (or college campus) that sits on land formerly occupied by twig gnawers and acorn gatherers is nothing but a disgusting exercise in hypocrisy.

take the l