Not good enough, but there's also nothing we can do about it

Greenwich is letting Cos Cob School’s Jeremy Boland resign, with no forfeiture of pay or pension rights.

The assistant principal who made national news for saying the quiet part out loud — that conservatives, Catholics, and people over 30 were being blackballed from teaching jobs — is finally leaving his job on June 30th. Project Veritas seemed to have nailed Cos Cob, Conn., Assistant Principal Jeremy Boland dead to rights in an explosive undercover video in 2022. In classic woke public school fashion, he was bragging to a young woman how, like a trained truffle hunting hog, he could sniff out these undesirable conservatives and Catholics and destroy any future they had as teachers.

It seemed the classic academic Venn diagram where political bias, anti-Catholic bigotry, and ageism converge. But please notice Boland is voluntarily resigning. He is not being fired. Any pension rights he may have had are intact.

After almost a year of investigation by the school system, town government, the state attorney general’s office, the state Education Department, and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, they could do nothing. He was still on paid leave, complete with health benefits. His state pension clock was clicking away nicely.

That’s a punishment? You get to spend a year at home fixing up the place, engaging in your hobbies, or otherwise sitting on your brains. And the taxpayers have the privilege of paying — wait for it — $156,253 in salary plus between $10,000 and $20,000 in health benefits. They also got to fund your pension contributions. Nice non-work if you can get it.