Oh, boo hoo hoo, and screw you

you wanted open borders, you’re getting open borders, good and hard

Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot begs Texas to stop sending illegals to her self-proclaimed sanctuary city

"Chicago is a Welcoming City and we collaborate with County, State, and community partners to rise to this challenge, but your lack of consideration or coordination in an attempt to cause chaos and score political points has resulted in a critical tipping point in our ability to receive individuals and families in a safe, orderly, and dignified way," Lightfoot wrote.

"We have simply no more shelter, spaces, or resources to accommodate an increase of individuals at this level, with little coordination or care, that does not pose a risk to them or others..." she added.                          

Lightfoot noted Chicago, a self-declared sanctuary city, has taken in over 8,000 people since they started to arrive on the state-provided buses, a number that Texas has experienced on an almost on a daily basis since the start of the border crisis.   

8,000 new welfare mouths to feed, total? Brownsville Texas has been invaded by 15,000 in just the last week.

Thousands of migrants have suddenly begun to cross the southern border into Brownsville, Texas. The city has never seen such numbers of illegal immigrants. Most of these are from Venezuela. There have been so many, so quickly that officials in Brownsville issued a disaster declaration last week, doing as other Texas border cities have done when faced with this crisis.

Over 15,000 migrants have illegally crossed the river near Brownsville since last week. That is a sharp rise from the 1,700 migrants that Border Patrol agents encountered in the first two weeks of April, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials. Social services are stretched and overnight shelters have to turn people away.

Families from Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, and China are walking the streets of downtown Brownsville looking for somewhere to sleep. Some wait for buses and others wait for relatives to pick them up. Some sleep in parking lots.

Brownsville population: 186,738

Chicago population: 2,761,625

Fun bonus number:

Summertime population of Martha’s Vineyard: 750,000