Riverside sale

27 Summit Road, a re-do of a 1950s cape, has sold for its full asking price of $2.199 million, which doesn’t surprise me because there’s not much out there. Which is not to disparage the house, I’m just pointing out that with so little inventory available, bids on a house like this in Riverside should be both substantial and presented quickly, because there will certainly be someone right behind you.

It’s interesting to see the metamorphosis of this street from the row of inexpensive houses that I remember from the 60s. many of which were owned by the parents of friends of mine, and often with five or six kids, plus those parents (the fathers were almost all veterans of WW II, it seemed), stuffed into three bedrooms. That street is pretty much gone now, and I’m sure whatever of the original that remains will join those little capes in the near future.