Watch out guys; careful where you put that thing

yes, this male is actually a paid product spokesman for tampax

Emerson College adds tampons to boys’ bathrooms to promote “menstrual equity”.

Emerson College will provide menstrual products in all its bathrooms – including men's and gender-neutral restrooms – in response to lobbying from a campus group that, in its own words, fights "for inclusivity, menstrual equality, and the de-stigmatization of menstruation and periods."

But now, oh, no!

Your tampons may give you cancer.

It’s all about the latest phoney scare, PFAS, or “forever chemicals” which is the perfect tool for the panic-mongers, because the chemicals are everywhere, so NO ONE IS SAFE!!!

There’s a slight problem with the hysteria, though:

Whether anyone has been diagnosed with cancer as a result of using these products, though, remains unclear. 

A causal link could be difficult to establish, as there are many contributing factors to a cancer diagnosis. 

In a normal world, this inability to demonstrate harm from PFAS would let people relax and ignore the “scientists”, but we no longer live in a normal world; in fact, boys who stick tampons up their woohoos and pretend they’re girls are not just living in an abnormal world, they’re living in some other universe. So they’ll be scared pantless.