Fox News has been sipping Bud Light for several years, but it's now gone full Jonestown Kool-Aid and is paying the price

“Sorry, Kayleigh, love ya, but … no.”

Fox News had a great niche, if you can call complete dominance in the ratings a niche, but the Murdoch Boyz have been embarrassed by what they’re airing, and their feelings have been hurt by the refusal of the Hollywood cool crowd to invite them to their parties. So they’ve been gradually shuffling the programming to the left. Removing Tucker Carlson seems to have been finally a step too far, and the costs are mounting.

Go Fox yourself: The network fails with McEnany in Tucker’s old spot, while Carlson teases his launch.

If you have watched conservative media for any length of time, you know that Fox News has been flirting with the middle of the road for quite a while now, and has also been dangerously close to joining that squashed opossum currently festering on the center line. Maybe they should change the name to “Opossum News.” Instead of “First on Fox,” they can try “Obsolete on Opossum.”

And then Fox gave Tucker Carlson the boot. With the exception of Greg Gutfeld, the network has been engaged in a continuous game of “Stop Hitting Yourself” ever since.

In an attempt to fill the gap left by Carlson’s eviction, Fox has been circulating through other personalities to fill the slot. And bless their hearts, they must have thought they finally picked a winner with this week’s host. Somebody thought, “Hey, I know! Let’s get Kayleigh McEnany! She’s easy on the eyes, looks like a typical Fox News host, and she used to work for Trump! That will bring everyone back! Even the hardcore MAGA folks will come stampeding back to the fold! Handshakes and dirty martinis all around!

The response of (former) viewers has not been kind.