Our media propagandists at work: “Spewing emissions”, vs “releasing steam”.

To illustrate its article on U.S. Representatives and Senators predicting that the Administration’s new rule shutting down coal-fired generating plants will have “a catastrophic effect on the nation’s electrical grid” — it will — Fox News used the picture above and falsely described the steam coming from the plant’s boilers as “emissions spewing from a coal-fired …power plant”.

While technically, steam emerging from a vent stack can be considered an “emission”, the intent of the caption is clear, and that is to lead readers to believe that they’re seeing evil, death-bearing (and invisible, but never mind) CO2 and pollutants “spewing” into the atmosphere. It’s probably a minor issue, but it’s this steady diet of hoax and duplicity that has caused the public to fall for the Green Panic. I’m only surprised that the caption didn’t read, “spewing Monkey Pox cooties into our precious atmosphere”.