Shocker: after a careful, considered review of his policies and past performance, the NYT has concluded that Trump is "unfit to lead"

Whoever expected this? The editors of the NYT, whose last endorsement of a Republican presidential candidate was Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956, have decided, reluctantly, no doubt, that they must withhold their approval from Donald J. Trump.

David Strom is as stunned as the rest of us:

With deep sorrow and after great reflection, The New York Times has come to the unexpected conclusion that Donald Trump is unfit to lead America. 

This reversal of their longstanding support for President Trump and his policies will surely persuade the country that a man that both liberals and conservatives were united in supporting, despite some disagreements on policy issues. But as new information has come out in recent weeks and months--Russia Russia Russia, the pee tape, "fine people on both sides," and his plan to install himself as dictator for life--the Times is forced to tell us that the Editorial Board no longer thinks highly of the Orange Man. 

OMG, this is hilarious. 

The Times even tells us how much respect they have had for Republicans in the past. They loved how patriotic they were. 

No, really. Until Trump they backed us 110%!

The Republican Party once pursued electoral power in service to solutions for such problems, to building “the shining city on a hill,” as Ronald Reagan liked to say. Its vision of the United States — embodied in principled public servants like George H.W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney — was rooted in the values of freedom, sacrifice, individual responsibility and the common good. 

The Times loved loved LOVED John McCain and Mitt Romney. But Trump...sadly, they have concluded he is not a good man.