And why not? They proved it worked in 2020, and this time they have their entire media corp to erase her history and recreate her as Light Bringer II

welcome to the bunker; see you in NOvember

Basement 2.0: Kamala Harris Just Needs to ‘Duck and Hide’ Until the Election

Kamala Harris has proved she can draw a crowd. She had a huge audience for a free Megan Thee Stallion concert that was disguised as a campaign rally. Those who stuck around for the closing act heard Harris speak for about 15 minutes.

I reported earlier Thursday about Harris jumping out of her armored SUV, reading a statement to the press directly from a binder, and then walking away without taking any questions. It's been how many days now since she was coronated as the Democratic presidential nominee, and she has yet to answer a single question about anything, including her numerous flip-flops on issues like fracking.

It really looks like Harris is going to try to do the Joe Biden basement strategy … just lay low and let the media campaign against Donald Trump.

If this puppet is elected, and I deeply fear that she will be, the entire soul of the nation will be permanently transformed, from the courts, to our laws and regulations, to property rights, taxation, foreign affairs, to … everything. Our brainwashed youngsters express an overwhelming desire for a socialist state, and they, along with the rest of us, are going to get it, good and hard.

And Kampallawalla knows her constituency: “What else do we know about the age group, 18-24? ”They are stupid. They make really bad decisions.That is why we put them in dormitories, and they have a resident assistant.”

The flying monkies of the media rushed to explain” that this trenchant observation was “taken out of context” (something that they never do for Trump, by the way), but that’s not so: she was specifically referring to college students, obviously, and liked a stopped clock, she got it right.

And let’s not forget Obama’s National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes, who in an unguarded interview with the New York Times boasting of how they’d created “an echo chamber” of media support for the Iran nuke give-away admitted, “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns ….. They literally know nothing.”