The Great Replacement Juggernaut rolls on

Legal Insurrection:

Elizabeth Warren says the quiet part out loud: Kamala is going to legalize tens of millions of illegals

Amnesty is baaaack!

The “11 million illegals” touted for almost ten years, while illegals continued flooding across the border under Obama, was always a lie. Estimates of 20-45 million were posited even while Obama was still in office. And lets not forget that the Biden-Harris open border palooza that has reportedly doubled the number of illegal aliens in just three years.


Kampallawalla: “How Dare We Speak Merry Christmas. How Dare We?”

Then-Sen. Kamala Harris warned Americans not to say “Merry Christmas” until there was permanent status for some illegal immigrants — amid a Trump-era battle over protections for some illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children.

“And when we all sing happy tunes, and sing Merry Christmas, and wish each other Merry Christmas, these children are not going to have a Merry Christmas. How dare we speak Merry Christmas. How dare we? They will not have a Merry Christmas,”