Apropos of nothin' in particular ...

Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when from out of the past come the thundering hoofbeats of the great New Mexican philosopher, Fr. Anthony!

Speaking of the Olympics, some politically incorrect trivia: 

1) although Hitler was not happy that a non-Aryan was so victorious, and thought that black athletes had an unfair physiological advantage, it is not true that he refused to shake Jesse's hand. By the second day of competition, when Owens won the 100 meter race, it had been decided that Hitler would not publicly greet any competitors. But Owens remembered that Hitler waved to him and he returned the wave as a courtesy to his host. He was very popular among the German sports fans. Although he then received a ticker tape parade in New York, Franklin Roosevelt refused to receive him at the White House so as not to offend Southern Democrats in that election year. Owens said in a speech, "Hitler did not snub me but the president snubbed me.... The president did not even send me a telegram." Owens was an ardent member of the party of Lincoln, and as a Republican he publicly endorsed Alf Landon for the November election.

2) the carrying of a flaming torch to open the Olympics was the invention of Albrecht Speer, based on Wagner's Siegfried raising a sword. As a Nazi ritual, it had no Olympic precedent.

3) as the world's fastest man, Jesse Owens smoked a pack of cigarettes each day is. That was common amongst athletes. He died at the age of 66 of lung cancer.

 And from the shores of Ole’s Creek, this: