Just another Times reader/Dem voter, but fun all the same

“chiroptophobia” :n an irrational fear of bats. No, I didn’t know that word, either

Hayward: “When I saw this headline in the New York Times, I first assumed that the Times had been taken over by the Babylon Bee:

A Bat Flew Into My Bedroom and Reminded Me of All We Take for Granted

By Belle Boggs

[Ms. Boggs is the author of “The Art of Waiting: On Fertility, Medicine and Motherhood” and other books.]

One night a few weeks ago I went to bed early, bothered by the oppressive heat and dismayed by that week’s political news. . . and very early the next morning a bat flew into our bedroom, through a screen door left open by accident. What happened over the next few days restored my faith in the systems in our country that keep us safe. . .


“And you’ll never believe what happened next! Actually of course you would. The article turns into a homily about how we have to stop Donald Trump from destroying the administrative state. Yes, it really is that stupid.”

“This tweet offers a better summary than I can do: