She's as garbled as her would-be heir

won't somebody please page her?

Hillary Clinton says it's a 'double standard' to ask Harris about her policies

Hillary Clinton forcefully argued [they mean shrieked] that Vice President Kamala Harris didn't need to clarify her policy positions in interviews and said that the 2024 Democratic candidate was facing a "double standard" from voters and the media.

"She does not have to do it, Kara. I'm going to just cut to the chase," Clinton told journalist and podcast host Kara Swisher on the "On with Kara Swisher" podcast this week.

"In fact, she's put out policies on her campaign website. Anybody who's truly interested can go and read about them. [And her voters are very much NOT interested, they just hate Trump]. She referenced policies. She actually doesn't just have policies and concepts. She has plans [in her head[ about what to do," Clinton said, referring to a policy page Harris added to her campaign website earlier this month.

It’s a “double standard” because male candidates aren’t questioned about their policies and positions? Really? Examples, please.

"I think it's, um, you know, it's a double standard, and it's a double standard that is partly because they are still getting to know her. But also because they're still grappling with the idea like, ‘Oh, am I really going to vote for a woman to be president and commander in chief?’" she continued.

And it’s racist because white women are the ones who are demanding details of who and what they’d be voting for?

"This is particularly true, let's just say it and underline it, about White women [voters]," Clinton continued. 

Certainly not the AWFLS, and they comprise 72.3% of all likely voters who identify as females or girly-girls. (All statistics cited in this post have been generated by FWIW’s AI On-the-Spot Number Generator, and are infallible).