As he was once, so shall he always be

plugs biden at the start of his 50-year carEER OF MENDAcity



At the moment RNC Research has pinned the video below of Joe Biden on the campaign trail in 1987 to its Twitter account with the comment: “Flashback to 1987, when Joe Biden freaked out at a man who asked him where he went to law school. The entirety of Biden’s response was a lie. Biden has been an angry, arrogant liar his entire career.”

This mind-boggling display took place at a time when Biden was in full possession of his faculties. Here we glimpse the fundamental Biden. Despite his visible decline, the fundamental Biden seems to abide, at least from noon to 4:00 p.m. (Eastern). As it says in the song, the fundamental things apply as time goes by.

1987 was also the year Biden became known as “The Father of Borking”

Supreme Court nomination hearings have gone from serene to savage, thanks largely to Joe Biden.

As head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he presided over the infamous Robert Bork hearings. His smearing of Bork for his original-intent judicial philosophy transformed hearings for Supreme Court nominees into bloody ideological battles. Henceforth, all conservative nominees were subjected to “Borking.”

Brutal to Bork from the start, Biden treated him not as a serious judge but as a stooge for what Biden called the “Reagan-Meese” agenda. Biden’s transparently unfair treatment of Bork was so bad even The Washington Post editorialized against Biden at the time:

While claiming that Judge Bork will have a full and fair hearing, Senator Joseph Biden this week has pledged to civil rights groups that he will lead the opposition to the confirmation. As the Queen of Hearts said to Alice, “Sentence first—Verdict Afterward.”

How can he possibly get a fair hearing from Biden, who has already cast himself as the role of prosecutor instead of a juror in the Judiciary Committee? If there is a strong, serious case to be argued against Judge Bork, why do so many Democrats seem unwilling to make it and afraid to listen to the other side?


Biden considers his defeat of Bork one of the most glorious moments of his career. But for the Republic, it marked one of the lowest. It further cemented the groundwork for a politicized judiciary which has taken decisions out of the hands of the people and placed them in the hands of nine lawyers. It undermined the integrity of the confirmation process. And it led traumatized Republican presidents to appoint wobbly judges to the court like David Souter.

These days Biden talks about it as a moment of high principle. In fact, it was a desperate act of pandering to the far left of his party — an attempt at rehabilitation after his campaign-ending plagiarism scandal in 1987. “He needed to be vindicated,” said his wife Jill to reporters. “It was about Bork. It was about Bork’s politics, but it was also about Joe.”

He did the same thing in 1991 to Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearing, and for the same reason.

This despicable man has lied for decades about the accident that killed his wife and daughter in 1972, falsely claiming that the driver of the truck that struck Biden (as she turned in front of him) was drunk. Biden repeats this claim almost as often as he claims his son Beau was killed in Iraq, despite pleas from the driver’s children that he stop besmirching their father’s memory. It’s not surprising that a man who refuses to acknowledge his own granddaughter would also refuse to do the right thing for another’s children, but it’s disgusting nonetheless.